
What jobs can get a Bachelor of Business Administration MBA?

The types of jobs that had a BBA depends on what your concentration is in the field of business. 

For example, those who want a bag of BBA with a concentration in Accounting different job opportunities that someone higher in Fashion Merchandising, Real Estate, Economics, Finance, etc.  

To keep the answer simple  

If a person who graduates from a university with a Bachelor of Business in general, he or she can find employment opportunities in almost any industry that he / she wants. The entry-level job usually will be around manager, sales supervisor, human resources, junior partner etc.


To obtain a degree from a university, a person must be designated as "pre-business" for the first 2 years and then must be accepted into the school of the university of choice for business. Once accepted, you then choose the desired major of concentration. So it is not until 2 years have been completed you will know exactly what you want to make a career in business because you have been exposed to a little more of any business.

2 comentarios:

Ivo Merlos said...

Holders of this degree theoretically wouldn't find any difficulty getting a job because there are thousands and thousands of businesses that need their expertise. Especially if he's technologically-inclined, he can do everything from managing and operating the business management system, to collecting and providing pertinent data, that are crucial to the business.

Jamie said...

In line with what Mr. Merlos said, graduates of business administration can also have careers in the human resources department. They can be an employee benefits manager, an HR manager, and an employee training program manager. You won't need to worry about where you will land after school because there are lots of small and big companies that will need you. :)

Jamie Shellman

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