
P. E for Internet Retailers?

My colleagues and I operated a very profitable line of Internet retail business and decided to separate. What kind of P / E I / it is challenging to others?


If everyone willing to 'buy' the other is dead easy ..

The name of a figure who is willing to pay you for your participation .. you have to either accept (and take the money) or make a 'counter' to name a higher price you are willing to pay for their share.

You then have to accept your offer (and sell their share at that price) or respond with a higher bid on his part .

Both go forward, bidding higher and higher share of partners until one of you refuses to offer more (in which case they must accept the current offer and tender their shares)

To avoid 'bidding ' growing £ 1 (or 1p), must agree in advance on hopes that the increase in the minimum bid should be (say £ 1.000)

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